Tuesday 21 December 2010


The screen in black... There is nothing for a few seconds. Then the sound of rain can be heard, but the screen is still black. The sound of rain is still continuing, but the black screen fades into a window where you see the rain pouring outside. This use of pathetic fallacy is to create a bad mood, and a feeling that something is going wrong.
Now a high angled shot over a bed, where a girl is sleeping. The phone rings. A shot now goes to the phone on a bedside table. A hand picks it up, and turns the alarm off. The screen goes black, This could alow for title to come up.
The next shot is of a hand turning on a shower, this then switches to a shot of the hair being drenched. The screen goes black.
Fade in to a mirror, a face pops up and stars to brush her teeth. A shot now goes to a girl drying her hair.
This then goes to a close up shot of a coat being put on the girl. The camera switches to a shot that focuses on a picture of a boy with the girl, the camera holds on this picture.
Wide shot of the girl walking in the rain, the saturation is low to give a cool feeling to the shot (and the following shots) Now a shot behind the girl, we see a hand raise up to grab her shoulder (being a stereotypical shot to suggest violence) then this body quickly moves into the frame, and we see a shot a the boy (that we saw in the picture) giving the girl a hug. Here, I am misleading the viewer into thinking that the girl is under threat. They then are walking and the path moves into a forest ( because it is eerie, no one else is around, and the charecters will be confined.)
A few lines of dialogue are discussed while the characters are moving forward, and the camera is moving backward with them moving, this time hand held. It is hand held because I want to convey a feeling of uncertainty, and I want it to build up the tension. At this point they exchange an object, and the camera focuses on this exchange on the hands. The girl puts it into her pocket.
The camera pans up on to the girl's face and as shes talking she looks to her side. Now A POV shot and we see they girl look round hastily. Now an arc shot round the girl, but this is interupted by a series of hasty shots where she is screaming.
The camera is now behind her looking down; she slowly turns around and screams. She then then wakes up in bed as if she has had a bad dream. The shots are exactly the same as her waking up before Except it is sunny outside, and the shots are now highly saturated. The camera focuses on the picture again, but this time it is just the girl, no boy. we see the wide shot of the girl again, then a shot that creeps up behind her, she turns to look back. Now a shot from across the road, she slowly turns back to walk foreward. We have a repeated shot of the path leading in to the wood. When shes in the wood she feels into her pocket, and then pulls out the object givern to her by the boy. Now a shot of her feet, we see the wind blow leaves by her feet. The camera is now behind her and looking down on her, she turns and looks, then she screams. The screen goes black and then the main tytle comes up.


I am working on A thriller film, so I looked up the codes and conventions. One of the ideas that I need to work on it an Enigma code. This is something that I can will bring amystery to my opening, and then I will be able to leave the opening with the audiance questioning what this is, and this will make them want to keep watching the rest of the film. Also 'quick cuts' comes up a lot, and therefore I will try to incorporate quick, fast shots that build the tention. Finally I want to make sure I bring in Claustrophobia because this way I will be trapping my charecters and add a sense of tention.

Monday 20 December 2010


I knew I needed to make A logo for my production company, so I looked to make something, knew and energetic. I went in to the dark room at school and set up some coloured lights against a black back ground, and then I set the shutter speed on my camera so it was very slow and would allow in a lot of light. I took the pictures and moved the camera around as I took it. The result of this is the above picture. 

I looked at other Logos by production companys, and I was very impressed by the iconic Universal Logo. I liked the fact that it was a planet , and showed the whole world, and I wanted to try and re create this in my own way.

I came up with the name 'Ressa Film' from watching Star Wars, before the film you see Lucas Film, and that was my insparation. This is where the RF comes from. I then tried to make my picture a planet, I did this by cutting a circle over the picture and then using a sphere effect to make thi seem like a planet. The concept is that Ressa Film is a planet, where these films are produced, and that the films are not just an entertainement, but almost a way of life.

Thursday 16 December 2010


For my Film I know I need to ow how how to use Adobe Photoshop. I looked at one of my favorite artists David Lachapelle, and then read how he edited his work. He increases the saturation, lightens the shadows aand increases the contrast. I then took a Picture of my friend, wearing clothes I see to be 'Lachapelle inspired' This was my outcome.


I have a Samsung Toco ultra. I mostly use my phone for texting. If I upgraded I would choose A Blackberry Bold so I could have an easier Internet access and email usage on my mobile.

To keep in touch with my friends I use MSN messenger for instant messaging, and Facebook to keep in touch with people all around the world and to document photos and memories. I am not concerned with privacy issues as I have my privacy settings to the highest possible settings, so therefore I have complete control over who sees my profile.

 I keep up with films by watching trailers on youtube or generally looking up the progress of the film via google. If it is a film I desperately want to see I will go to the cinema to make an occasion out of it. Otherwise I would buy a DVD off Amazon for a cheap price and then watch it at home with friends or family.

Music is important in my life and I tend to listen to music constantly, whether this is with my friends, family, or on my own. I usually buy my music from a record shop as I like to have the CD and a hard copy of it.

As I like video games I have a Play Station 3 and a Nintendo Wii. However I rarely have time to play on my consoles due to excesive amounts of homework.

I would usually use the internet for about 2 hours a night on week days, to help me with my homework, and to look up guitar tabs. On weekends I would still use the Internet for about 2 hours, perhaps talking to friends on MSN. My family use the Internet for shopping, or buying me concert tickets. I experience various problems with the Internet such as loosing connection occasionally. I would not go online to read the news, because I feel that most news is biased, and I would rather make up my own mind about situations.

I would no longer buy magazines, because if I want to find news about a band, I will go on Youtube and watch interviews, or I will go on Wikipedia to see if any new news is out.

On T.V I tend to watch The Simpsons, but apart from that, the only reason I would use a T.V is to watch films. I much prefer watching films, rather than watching T.V programmes. If I want to watch something I have missed, I use BBC I player, but most the time, I will just wait until the programme is shown again on T.V.

 In the future, w hat I think would be useful technology is a device that has free internet usage, so I could use the internet on a mobile, while I am on the train, or in a car, without being charged.