Monday, 20 December 2010


I knew I needed to make A logo for my production company, so I looked to make something, knew and energetic. I went in to the dark room at school and set up some coloured lights against a black back ground, and then I set the shutter speed on my camera so it was very slow and would allow in a lot of light. I took the pictures and moved the camera around as I took it. The result of this is the above picture. 

I looked at other Logos by production companys, and I was very impressed by the iconic Universal Logo. I liked the fact that it was a planet , and showed the whole world, and I wanted to try and re create this in my own way.

I came up with the name 'Ressa Film' from watching Star Wars, before the film you see Lucas Film, and that was my insparation. This is where the RF comes from. I then tried to make my picture a planet, I did this by cutting a circle over the picture and then using a sphere effect to make thi seem like a planet. The concept is that Ressa Film is a planet, where these films are produced, and that the films are not just an entertainement, but almost a way of life.

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